25 April 2020

OMG do old blogs ever die?

Can't believe this is still here. Well, what does one do when one finds a soapbox? Yeah! There's just one thing I feel a need to throw to the wind right now, in this time of COVID ..

Could we just PLEASE stop calling it 'lockdown'? PLEASE?!

Honestly, if you're not actually in prison, in what way are you 'locked down'?!

But words matter. And if you hear this irksome phrase 5-6 times every minute, it can wear on you. I think maybe people might be getting just a little crazier than they otherwise would, from this hammering on the implicit idea that you don't have a choice. You do have a choice! And most sensible people are voluntarily making the most sensible choice, which is to stay home and stay out of it. There are no damned locks here.


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