29 June 2009

Now Reading ..

Currently reading "Meta Math! The Quest for Omega" by Gregory Chaitin, which is actually not too heavy on math as such, and is more oriented toward philosophy about math. Well, as I'm only half way through the book, that could change. Anyway, this has been a fun fast read so far and I will be wishing I had another one like it lined up when it's done. (Fortunately there are a bunch more listed on the 'also by Gregory Chaitin' page in the front matter)

Also with a bookmark stuck in it is Wolfram's "New Kind of Science", which has to do with how you can get great complexity out of iteratively applying arguably simple rules. This book is about 1000 pages thick, and though lots of it is graphics, the ideas in between all the illustrations demand to be pondered on, so this one is going to take a while to finish!


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