05 January 2007

A Good Read

I just finished reading Bill Bryson's "The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid". What a great book! It's basically about Bryson's childhood in the Mid-West in the 1950s.

Having spent my equivalent years growing up in New England in the 1970s, you might expect there to be a disconnect. Well, I'd just like to point out that there are some parts of New England, especially the more northerly bits, where I'm not sure the news of the revolution or continental congress have yet permeated. I'm not saying they're exactly backward up that way, and hey, even if I were, I'm entitled because remember, I said I'm from there, but, well, time just doesn't seem to flow the same rate everywhere, and someplaces, you get your time second or even third-hand.

So, there was much of "Thunderbolt Kid" that resonated. For instance, I especially like the bits about the screen doors, the "sleeping porch", and the pot-luck dinners. Also, I basically like pretty much everything Bryson writes, too, so that helps. On the whole, I'd recommend "Thunderbolt Kid" as a good read.


At 6:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great review - I've been meaning to check out this book for a while. I have Bryson's one about Australia, but haven't read it yet. Cool blog - though some of it's way over my head %^)


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