When Free Isn't Really Free
Ok, here's a bit of a rant. What happened to the word free?! The best part of the internet used to be getting free stuff. Now if you search for 'free' stuff, at least 99.5% of the hits are really 'free trial' - and that usually means something that stops working before you've properly had a chance to see if you like it. Now, don't get me wrong, shareware is a great concept, but that's not what I'm on about. My point is that, if you search for 'free', you should get good old freeware. There just seems to be a problem where the stuff that isn't really free turns up ahead of the stuff that really is.
Ok, so, that's a lame rant, but that's all I have today. So now I shall do something about it. Try
this! (At least it was free stuff as of 16 June 06..)
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